Spring is busting out all over since I last wrote - my little garden is starting to look very pretty. Took some time out the other morning to take some pics of the first little spring flowers...
....these are scattered all around the garden. At the moment just a few are in bloom but you should see them when they are all flowering.
Cute little pink primula's...
...and more daffies...
What I was supposed to be doing instead of taking photos was painting - the house! I decided that I would have a go at doing it myself and have started on the front verandah area. It's coming along nicely, too. This is it at it's raw stage - unbelievable amount of sanding and scraping hours involved in getting it to this stage.
So... we've been up to Clyde for Jakes downhill a couple of weeks back. Actually it was the same weekend as the earthquake and boy did it rattle us around way down there so I can't begin to imagine what it must have been like for Cantab's. While Jake was practising I had a little wander around the township - it's such a gorgeous town..
I have a bit of a thing for courthouses...
Here's the child in action later in the day - he did great - only one trip over the handlebars, but still smiling!