Some pretties from my garden ....
... heavenly blues....
Well, I couldn't very well come home without a memento or two, could I. Nice, ay :)
I thought I would do tons of stitching in the evenings, but in the end this is the sum total of what I did...
My child had a mixed bag of results - the less said about the first weekend, the better - but in a nutshell, I have discovered that it is the most gut wrenchingly difficult thing to do, to watch your child take a 40ft crash, scrunching into the rock and gravel, and not be allowed to go and give him a cuddle as that certainly would not be ''cool'' in front of the crowd!!! He did get up (eventually) and in a zig zag fashion, managed to cross the line. Then I gave him a cuddle!! Too bad what the others thought!!! He was a little mangled, but came right for the second weekend's racing, where he did great. He's off again this weekend - as I write, he is hurtling down the mountains, over at Diamond Harbour. Round three, and then just one more to go next weekend, here in Dunedin. Hope he turns up tonight with no mangled body parts!!
Wish my child a fast, but safe, ride :)
See you.