Morning :)
Windy old day down here today
and a lovely day off :)
It's been a while,
Same old story,
busy at work and not enough hours
in the day.
But today I'm writing a special post,
'cos I've been nominated by
to participate in an
"Around the World Blog Hop".
I ''met'' Christine through this blog
and facebook.
Her blog is an inspiration to pick
up your needle and thread and get stitching.
Beautiful stitching,
gorgeous makes :)
So thank you Christine
for the invite to join this blog hop.
So ....
here we go ...
... this is where I do most of my stitching,
apart from cold winter nights,
(and there are a few of those in the deep south)
...then it's hand stitching
on the couch :)
(and yes, it absolutely always
looks this tidy !!!!!)
What am on working on at the moment?
... quite a few things,
mostly just little stitchy things :)
... a little button sampler that I have
actually completed -
now just trying to figure out
a clever way to hang it ...
... little bit of stitching and
one of Barb's gorgeous buttons ...
... quilt top made from cutting up
lots of my shop samples and
re-stitching them together ...
not quite complete,
but nearly :)...
... and this is the project I want to complete next...
I think it's been over two years since
I have touched it
which is a little shameful
I know.
It's ''Jane Austen's Bonnet'' quilt -
an absolutely exquisite quilt
designed by Brenda Ryan.
I have done all the stitching
and half put it together
so really
there is no excuse is there :)
How does my work differ from others of it's genre?
not quite sure how to answer this one :)
I think everyone's work is different
to anything else,
cos we all stitch in our own
unique style.
I do like to use lots of linen
and lace
and the occasional button :)
In recent years I have found myself
drawn more and more
towards simple stitching
and softer shades of
thread and fabric.
Why do I create what I do?
... that's easy ...
cos I like stitching :)

... sometimes it's just because
I have some fabulous lace
that I need to use ...:)
... sometimes it's cos
I'm thinking about stuff ...
and stitching is good for the soul :)
Why do I create what I do?
... that's easy ...
cos I like stitching :)
... sometimes it's just because
I have some fabulous lace
that I need to use ...:)
...or I want to make something
a little prettier
than what it was before ...
...or I like to use old things
in other ways,
like the hexies in this bag,
I cut from old doilies...
How does my creating process work?
Often it starts
with a button
or a heart
or a beautiful piece of lace,
and then it just develops
as I stitch...
I'm thinking about stuff ...
and stitching is good for the soul :)
... sometimes it's because I just feel
like making something completely
whimsical :)
... and the garden is a
source of inspiration ...
Stitching is a really important part of my life
for many reasons.
But mostly its because
it makes me
Corny, maybe,
but what better reason.
So that is the end of the hop:)
If you would like to join in,
leave a comment and a link back to your blog.
Love to come and visit :)
See you later
Jenny :)