What a lovely feeling to know that it is officially Spring! There are no blossom trees in flower in my garden yet, but this is pretty good.
It's been a couple of weeks since I have posted and these pictures were taken back then. It seemed that when the girls turned up for Friday Stitching they had all been making bags. They are wonderful! Here's Gaye's gorgeous little Japanese indigo fabric bag.
These are Heather's - this is such a neat style - and raid the button jar for the decoration.
And this is another of Gaye's - she was a busy lady that week. Isn't this gorgeous - lovely little yo-you decoration and great use of the striped fabric.
Here's what Judy had been doing - knitting and then felting - I love this bag! She had also been making some ''wee'' things from leftover mohair and yarn. Cute!
Debbie has produced another absolutely stunning applique quilt - a Nancy Halvorsen pattern. She used felt for the letters, instead of fabric, and it gives it a fabulous different look.
I've been busy still stitching for the weekend retreat so can't show you much of that yet. But I did find time to stich a bowl full of birdies. These are Barb's French Linen Birds and I used fabrics that I had from home - some raw silk and linens. Great fun and so easy.
That's it for this week. I've got plenty of stitching to keep me busy and happy - hope you have too.