Took the afternoon off, today. There's been a lot of cleaning and breakfasts going on over the last couple of weeks and I needed a little ''stitching'' time. And add to that a trip to A & E last weekend, and tending the wounded, for good measure. (A & E? sure you can guess - involves a bike, rocks and luckily just one finger but a surprising number of stitches for such a little pinkie!) Yeah - I needed this afternoon!
So, I finished off this little sweetie. You know how some things you make you just absolutely love them - well, this is one of them for me. It's a gorgeous little pincushion pattern of Brenda Ryan's - there's also a daisy design in the same pattern that I'm only half way through but this is the finished hollyhock one.
I added the feather stitch down the seams cos I love the way it looks.
And I've used Pams Cottage Garden Threads - aren't they so gorgeous.
Speaking of Pam's threads - she has just released another 34 new colours! I think I've died and gone to heaven! They arrived yesterday and I have been oogling them ever since - I'll pop them on the website soon, I promise.
This is my little "Days in Provence" quilt - all finished. The quilt is a design of Jackie Nicholls ( and it's another one of those ''I really love this'' things!
I quilted really simply around each block- was wanting the ''naive'' look and decided that chunky stitches using perle thread would work. Then got a little carried away on the outside border and quilted it around and around, in quarter inch lines (not perfect quarter inches though - eyeballed it all the way!) It's given the border a sort of scrunched effect and that's what I really like - sort of a vintagey look. 
Had another little delivery this week which was fun - a lovely range of fabrics called Wild Thyme - the most gorgeous shades of pinks and green. Do I have plans for this - definitely!
I've narrowed it down to about 4 - so might have to flip a coin a few times to make the final decision.
Happy stitching
Such a sweet pincushion! And so beautifully made. Love those threads! Must be wonderful to look at them and touch them.
Your Thyme quilt turned out lovely. It reminds me of my son Thijme (O:
Have some lovely days off with your son! Enjoy the peace and rest.
Hi jenny, enjoy your holiday, sounds like you off to Central Otago, so hope the wetajer much beeter then Dunedin has been having! Enjoy!!... and I hope that jake's pinky is recovering.
Where we can buy Pam's threads? They are beautiful!
Hello. This is very beautiful. Do you have a pattern available?
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