Last Saturday I spent the day at the Embroiderer's Guild May Day - it was a fabulous day - but silly me forgot to take my camera - I would have loved to have been able to show you some of the gorgeous things they were making! Look what I found, though, while rummaging through boxes on ''Arkwrights'' table - this is the sweetest little linen - I have a soft spot for anything to do with blackberries (childhood memories) so couldn't resist this little cloth...
... and then I found these two treats - you can never have too many lovely old linens and doily's.
I wonder who stitched this cloth..
I've been stitching away on Jane Austen's bonnet - this is Jane's Regency bonnet..
... and this is her Blue Feather bonnet...

and this is her tassel reticule...
I've also been working on a little project of my own and finished it yesterday - these are my favourite fabrics of all time - so soft and pretty. And paper piecing hexagons is also a favourite - it's peaceful stitching, don't you think. Just sitting there with a little paper template, needle and thread, and quietly stitching them together - your mind potters around your thoughts, and you drift along with the stitches. 'Course the ideal place to be doing this is in a little possie in the sun!
Might go find one of those sunny possies now I think - I started Lynette Anderson's Scandinavian Christmas yesterday and it's fabulous!! Maybe a little stitching before the child returns home from school and peace is shattered :)
Happy stitching in the sun!
Jenny , I love your new finds and no we can never have too many doilies ! Your bonnet stitching is just beautiful !
I do love your new finds at the May Day. You have been busy love your bag.
Stay warm
Jenny, you are such a tease!
hugs, Miche'le
I really enjoyed traveling through you blog today as I was laid up in bed. I too just closed my quilt shoppe of 6 years...and it was so hard! But we do travel and vend at at least 30 shows a year. I also do my own designing and something just had to give.
Just recently I have started to get into stitching! is opening a whole new world for me!
Thanks for all your inspiration!
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