Thought I'd show you where we went on the weekend - it was time to get out for the day - blow away the cobbies! We didn't go far - just out to Aramoana - half an hour's drive away to the beach. When we left Dunedin it was coolish, but okay (just). When we got out there - well, no chance that the cobwebs were going anywhere - they froze in place!! You think this looks chilly ...
... and, if possible, even colder....
... notice the beach attire!! Yep - chilly was an understatement. But, I was determined to go for a walk on the beach, which I did ... for three and a half minutes!!! Even though it was colder than you can imagine, it was still fun - and the ocean on a stormy day is pretty spectacular. We scurried back to the car and decided that hot chips and in my case, coffee, was needed to stop hypothermia from setting in (a good excuse don't you think, to scoff hot chips!). We had a picnic in the car overlooking the harbour - and these lovely girls waddled past - so close I could have touched them ....
...and the windows in this one took my fancy.
Got your hat?

I love stitching the little posies.
I'm going back to Aromoana in the Spring. I have a beach to walk!
... colder still ...

.... gorgeous aren't they. Then we had a wee wander round Port Chalmers - I really love some of the old buildings out there. This church up on the hill is amazing...
Love this one too...

So back home, and unthawed, I finished a little bit of stitching - the next gorgeous girl in Jane Austen's Bonnet quilt - she is quite beautiful.

See you
Brrrrr. I love going to the beach in the Winter, even more so when it's stormy and full of personality. Yum, hot chips in the car and a coffee - I can taste them now.
Chris said,
Hi Jenny,
it looks really cold down your way and here in Wellington we are complaining about 2 sunny days out of the last 21 days that have either been raining or cloudy....
but I must say a walk along the beach in winter and a pot of hot chips...Mmmmmmm!! & a drop of tomato sauce of course....
Keep warm Windy Wellington
Lovely pictures, Jenny! And so good that you did decide to take that walk in the cold.
Wow, your Jane Austen is really getting along. Love it!
I received my second part (((O:
Have a lovely weekend.
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