The last couple of weeks have seen me counting!?! Not stitches or rows though, 'cos that would mean that the counting would have been associated with something fun like knitting or embroidery. Nope - counting buttons, threads, fat quarters, patterns etc etc etc blah blah blah! Stocktake is such a mindless task but IT'S DONE!!! So now I can count stitches or rows instead :)
Needless to say, not alot of stitching has been done lately, mind you there is some that I have done but can't show cos it's secret stuff for the retreat in September. This is just a tiny peek at one....
.... and a little bit of another....
On the way back up the hill we came across this tiny little pond - I've been up and down the hill dozens of times but have never seen this before. These two were enjoying the peace and quiet.
Now I'm off to package up all those boring accounts and papers and send the whole lot off to the accountant - I don't have to think about it for another year! This has to be a decent excuse for chocolate - I know that some of my excuses for chocolate are fairly flimsy but this one's a goodie, isn't it?!
See you later
You go for it sweetie, stock take must be one of the most boring jobs ever! I threw a 'stocktake party' for mine. Four of us measured everything in the shop over three days, my friends rewards were food, lollies and goody bags. I think I'll do it that way again next year.
Now go and get that chocolate, you've earnt it.
Oh yes you've certainly deserved that chocolate , go for it !
I'm glad you are able to count the stiches again. Your work is beautiful! Look forward to see what you are going to reveal.
The nature pictures are very inspiring. We will have to wait another few months for the mushrooms.
Hello! I've just discovered your blog and am so excited and inspired. Your work is gorgeous!
Where can I find the beautiful Jane Austen stitchery patterns? I would love to have the set to work on myself.
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